So, after a terrible sweater monster debacle I'm back on my knitting feet and producing finished objects worthy of being seen. (The sweater monster is currently in a trash bag, locked in a closet to prevent it from influincing future knitting)

This is a double knit hat I made for my mom. She wanted a really warm hat and I think this will fit the bill. It's two layers of wool of the andes bulky. It didn't turn out quite like I would have liked. The inside stitches (that I purled) are a little looser than the outside ones. I'm still pretty proud of it though. It was a fun new technique to learn.

This is a dish towel I knit for my wonderful Grandma Phoebe. It is made with 100% cotton knit picks crayon. It's super soft! I want a blanket made out if it, I just don't want to make it myself.

Finally, the coolest hat I have EVER made! I liked it around as a boring blue hat, but I LOVE it as an embeleshed hat! This was my first time trying to embroider and it worked out much better than I thought it would. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting. I'm looking forward to using this technique again.