Wha-Bam!! Over 800 yards of lace weight yarn wound by hand. (one of three skeins) This lovely yarn if from
handpaintedyarn.com and is very lovely. I have to admit I was looking for something more monochromatic when I ordered it. However the online pictures made it look even more uni-blue than my photos do. It is actually a mix of blue, green and aqua. I plan to make an circular shawl from it if my garter stitch monster ever gets finished.

Here is a cat for scale.

Here is a cat for cuteness.

In case you don't know what a swift is, or would like to buy me one, you can find one
That is one adorable cat. And also a tonne of yarn!
- Your Sockapalooooza pal.
I just broke down and bought a swift...
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