Steve and I recently got back from a great trip to Oregon. We met up with some of my classmates for some climbing and hiking in
Smith Rock State Park. The park was beautiful, full of steep cliffs and a cool river ( I know we tried it out!).
Here's our campsite by moonlight

This is the crooked river running through the park

This is Steve on his first outside leak belay. Scary!

Here's a picture of me climbing the same route. It's just from a different angle that makes the climb look harder than it actually is. Good job camera angle! No one needs to know that Steve is actually a much better climber...

This is the AWESOME car my grandma Phoebe gave Steve and I. It took us all the way out to Oregon in style. The stereo and air conditioning were awesome! Thanks Grandma.

Steve and I split up from the rest of the group and spent a night at
Crater Lake on the way home. If you haven't been there I really suggest it. The lake sits in a huge crater that was formed when a mountain collapsed after a volcanic eruption. We went on a short hike up to the top of a small peak and then spent the night in the giant 200 site campground. That night there was a HUGE thunder storm that literally shook the ground. It was a little creepy but alaso awe inspiring and amazing.

And here's some knitting. This is a cotton washcloth for Steve. I took it on the camping trip with me and knit some of it by headlamp. That actually worked surprisingly well. I'll have to remember the headlamp for future use if I have tricky yarn.

I also knit a swatch for the project I want to take with me on our Italy trip. After working on the wrap for my mother in law, I want one for myself. A laceweight project is also perfect for our trip since We're trying to travel with just day packs.

Finally, one last picture because I think it's so funny. My cats don't really like each other than much, but the other day I saw Echo (white one) cuddle up to Ruby. The funny thing about it was that Ruby was under the rug. So it looks like Echo is cuddling up with a lump!